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The World Through Our Eyes

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We are people who suffer an eye disease  called Fuchs' (pronounced FEWKS or FOOKS) Corneal Dystrophy. We represent 1% of the  population. We have a visual disability that we've inherited, and you can't tell  it by looking at us. We have gathered into a support group called Fuchs'  Friends, with almost 1200 members (and growing) from all over the world, learning a lot about our eye disease by sharing our stories.


One thing we've learned is that this disease used to be thought to be a problem  of older people. But many of us are still working, raising young children, active and productive. And this eye disease with a funny name has been, for us, a  challenge as great as any other disability for which society makes allowances.


The medical explanation of the disease can be found on other web sites, such as NIH and National Eye Institute.

Click this to read the National Eye Institute’s Report of the Corneal Diseases Panel

If you have no idea what part of the eye is the cornea, see  diagrams at St. Luke's Institute.


Our sole purpose on this web site is to help you see through our eyes and promote understanding of the way the disease impacts our lives.


The Navigation Buttons on the left will take you to pages about the many facets and phases of Fuchs’ Corneal Dystrophy that we live with day to day.


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